The Finance Innovation Lab

London, since Jan 2008

Together with Reos Partners and WWF-UK and others we put together the foundations for the Finance Lab an initiative designed to take practical action to stimulate transformational change in the financial system so that it serves society and the environment. Over the course of the year we [...]

Culture¦Futures @ COP15

Copenhagen, December 2009

During Cop15, the Climate Summit, we were invited by the Asia Europe Foundation ASEF, to facilitate a 2 day meeting for leading Asian and European artists and thought leaders from the cultural sector to collectively understand their role in the Climate Change debate. This gathering was part of the Culture [...]

One on One with Nature

One on One with Nature – Bridging the ecological divide Sunday,13th December 2009 Nature walk during COP15 just outside Copenhagen What is at the core of the climate crisis we are facing? It is a sense of separation and disconnection from nature, thinking we are not part of the larger ecosystem of our planet. When we take decisions from this place of disconnection and separation we just add to the ecological imbalance that is becoming more and more visible. [...]